Let's look at the 6 mistakes that people make when selling on WhatsApp.
It's common to make some of these 6 mistakes that can negatively affect your company.
Avoid making the following mistakes:
1 ️. Ignore people's consent to contact them:
Privacy is important to most people, so it needs to be respected.
Don't write to people who haven't given you their consent to do so, as this can be annoying and cause them to block you or have a bad opinion of your brand.
2 ️. Use the channel as a spam distributor:
If you don't have a clear strategy for WhatsApp, your messages will be considered as purposeless advertising and could alienate your customers.
Use this channel to offer special offers to your leads and loyal customers, answer questions and provide personalized attention.
Here you also have the 3 tips What will make you sell more on WhatsApp
3 ️. Take a long time to answer: While it's impossible to be available 24 hours a day, it's important to respond to your customers quickly and efficiently.
Use WhatsApp Business automated replies to let you know that you're not available right now, but that you'll be available later, or to offer alternatives while they wait for a personalized response.
4 ️. Abusing automation: While automated replies can be useful, you shouldn't delegate the attention of your chats in their entirety to a bot or to saved replies.
Make sure to follow up on each query and check that your customer is satisfied with the service or transaction received.
This is one of the 6 most common errors that occur when selling on WhatsApp
5 ️. Lacking a message according to the personality of your brand or business: It's important that your messages reflect the personality of your brand or business and that they are consistent with your brand image.
6 ️. Not having a content strategy: If you don't have a clear content strategy, it's hard to attract and retain your customers through WhatsApp.
Design a strategy that includes relevant and useful content for your customers and that keeps them interested in your brand.
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