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How we have earned 100,000€ with WhatsApp Marketing
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How we have earned 100,000€ with WhatsApp Marketing

Yes, in our first year we have invoiced 100,000€ thanks to WhatsApp Marketing.

And in this article I'll tell you how we did it, so you can replicate it if you're interested in earning money online.

Among others, in this article I'll tell you:

👉 What is WhatsApp Marketing and why we chose this sales strategy

👉 How has it been our sales funnel for selling on WhatsApp

👉 What is our product, value proposition and what we offer to potential customers

👉 How can you do the same, whatever you want to sell

Shall we start?

vender por whatsapp

What exactly is WhatsApp Marketing?

WhatsApp Marketing is another branch of marketing in which the tool is used WhatsApp to generate and retain customers, in addition to closing and increasing sales.

This is achieved through campaigns, promotions and offers to your customers with the WhatsApp application.

Not many entrepreneurs have implemented this channel in their business, since, initially, the application was not designed for that purpose.

Precisely for that reason you should quickly get started with WhatsApp Marketing, to benefit from this powerful tool and position yourself above your competition.

Now is the time to get into WhatsApp Marketing, when your competition hasn't done so yet.

Why have we chosen to apply a WhatsApp Marketing strategy?

WhatsApp is an application used by millions of users to send and receive messages.

Nobody doubts this application and if you give your customers the opportunity to communicate with you through it, you will project trust and closeness.

Let me ask you something:

How many times a day do you watch WhatsApp?

How many times a day do you check your email?

Surely the answer to the first question is much greater than the answer to the second.

Isn't that right?

Well precisely that's why we chose to sell through WhatsApp.

There is a lot of talk about email marketing, but the reality is that WhatsApp is something much more common in our daily lives.

The use we make of WhatsApp today makes the opening of messages, compared to email, much greater, and therefore allows us to reach out more to our customers.

Forget the formalities of email and reach your customers on WhatsApp in a closer, more direct and instant way

Does that mean that we haven't sent emails to our subscribers?

Of course not, we sent emails too.

You must use every sales channel you have at your disposal.

That's right, the basis of our sales strategy has been to sell on WhatsApp.

The WhatsApp tool allows you to customize messages by adding all kinds of icons, images and even giving emphasis to part of the message with text formats such as Bold, Italic and Strikethrough.


Like this:

👉 Bold: *text*

👉 Italic: _text_

👉 Strikethrough: ~text~

The Extra of WhatsApp marketing: WhatsApp Business

WhatsApp has a business version as its name says: WhatsApp Business.

This tool has a number of benefits compared to the personal version:

You have the opportunity to enter professional and business information about your business: Business hours, address, website, etc...


Incorporate automated responses for when you're absent, such as welcome or absence messages.


It also offers an analytics section so you can see the metrics of your marketing strategy on WhatsApp.

What other sales strategies we could have used and why haven't we

We could have wasted a lot of time to create a page perfect website, a sales funnel with the typical chain of endless emails, SEO for good organic positioning and advertising on all types of platforms...

But we realized that none of that was needed for start selling online.

In the long term, the ideal is to combine several sales strategies.

But, in the short term, what we wanted was to start selling quickly, and confirm that the market was interested in our product.

So later and in this same article Let me explain to you what made us bill more than 100,000 euros in 1 year and with the methodology that we teach you within Generator Landing.

whatsapp marketing

Our value proposition

The value proposition of a business is the basis of your strategy.

It is Be clear about what you offer and to whom, and make it clear.

Our value proposition is as follows:

Generate contacts and close more sales through WhatsApp without the need to be an expert in Digital Marketing.

Once you're clear about your value proposition, it's much easier to define your message and sales strategy.

For example, we have advertising banners that show our value proposition to potential customers.

generator landing banner

Our platform

I want to explain to you well what our platform consists of, so that you can better understand the whole story about how we have invoiced 100,000 euros.

With Generator Landing you can Build your sales page quickly.

We have created a very simple and guided sales page builder with powerful training pills so you can build your page very easily and quickly.

You can forget about using complicated programs that are difficult to master.

We have tutorials that are very easy to understand so you can sell in the shortest possible time without wasting your precious time on tools that require the most from you.

You'll have access to tutorials where we explain only what you need to know about:

  • Facebook Ads.
  • Video editing for WhatsApp and Facebook Ads.
  • How to turn contacts into customers.
  • Optimization of your sales page.
  • Powerful tips and tricks to increase your sales.

You'll also have WhatsApp Support, so you'll never be alone.

Forget about sending emails that take 2 days to reply, with Generator this won't happen.

If you have any questions throughout the process, contact our WhatsApp support and we will answer you right away whenever you need it.

Who is Generator Landing for?

]👉 Digital products:

  • Online Courses
  • Ebooks
  • Software
  • Digital Academies
  • Infoproducts
  • Validate products and services

And much more...

👉 Physical products:

  • Clothes
  • Clinics
  • Real estate agencies
  • Insurance
  • Home appliances
  • Services of all kinds

And much more...

👉 Coaching or consultants:

  • Traffickers
  • Community Managers
  • E-sports
  • Multilevel Marketing
  • Coaches
  • Solicitors

And much more...

👉 And also if:

  • You want to learn and improve your Digital Marketing skills.
  • You have an idea and you want to validate it.
  • You have a product or service and you want to sell more.
  • You work in a company and you want to provide new strategies.
  • You're looking for extra income by helping other people get sales.
  • You are looking for a transformation and you want to reinvent yourself.

Why do we at Generator Landing recommend that you sell through WhatsApp?

👉 More trust:

The key to selling on the Internet is trust.

If we can get them to trust us and that we can help them, we will have 75% of the sale made.

WhatsApp is the closest, most direct and personal channel that exists today to increase that trust

👉 More openings:

While only 20% of the emails sent are read, WhatsApp achieves an incredible 98% rate.

That means that almost everyone will see your message.

👉 Fast results: The results are seen 24h/48h after setting up our methodology.

We don't want you to get complicated, all we want is for you to have results.

Everything is designed so that you get results in the shortest possible time.

Our sales funnel on WhatsApp that has earned us more than 100,000€ in 1 year explained step by step

The #1 goal of generator landing is to make things easier for you and help you get results quickly.

That has been the key point in our sales strategy, to communicate that to our potential customers.

To sell, we have created a very simple sales funnel through WhatsApp.

With it, we have invoiced more than 100,000 euros in 1 year.

In short, our strategy has been:

  1. Create ads to drive traffic to a page and/or directly to a mini course
  2. Instead of selling directly, on the site we offered a free mini course to learn how to sell online
  3. In the mini course we were talking about Generator Landing, and at the end of the mini course we made a temporary offer to enter at a better price than usual

How have we done it?

It is based on 3 steps, which I explain below:


We created 4 short videos in vertical format, so that they can be viewed full screen on WHATSAPP.

What are these videos like and what should yours be like?

👉 Video 1:

The goal in this first video is to put yourself in the shoes of your ideal customer and empathize with them.

You must treat his problems and pain points, so you have to know him perfectly.

👉 Video 2:

It's time to present the solutions to these problems and indicate the procedure to follow, but..., don't tell them HOW, leave them with intrigue.

👉 Video 3:

In this video, you do have to explain how you are going to solve these problems (obviously without going deeper), that is, how you are going to overcome them with your infoproduct, product or service.

Why not go deeper?

Mainly, because the videos should be short, 2-5 minutes long.

👉 Video 4:

It's your time! Now is when you have to prepare the sales video, they already know you perfectly, you have already given them confidence and peace of mind and they already know how you can help them.

This is when you urgently submit the offer to them so that they take action as soon as possible.

All of this, of course, we explain it in detail within the Generator Landing platform, in the training section to help you sell more.


Once the sales FUNNEL through WHATSAPP has been created, we need to inject traffic into it.

As much as you have the best videos in the world, if you don't have traffic no one will see them, and no one will buy from you.

How will we do it?

Very easy, through Facebook Ads.

In case you're worried, let me tell you something about Facebook Ads.

It's very simple to set up ads that work.

It is something that worries a lot of people, but I assure you that it is not difficult at all.

In fact, at Generator Landing we have videos that help you do it step by step, and you can do it in a very short time.


Now it's time to create a WHATSAPP BUSINESS, activate the quick answers and the welcome message.

I guarantee that if you do everything right, you will get a lot of requests on your WhatsApp, just like what happened to us.

Customers came to us every day., and not a few.

That's why we need to correctly configure the automation of sending videos to all those people who request it, in order to avoid throwing ourselves all day in front of the computer.

The quick answers will help us especially with all that, so we will configure at least 4 quick answers (one for each of the videos and offer).

The first video will be sent with the welcome message.

👉 And, in this way, we have invoiced 100,000 euros in our first year.

With this simple funnel and thanks to WhatsApp marketing.


You should keep the following in mind to make the user experience better.

👉 You will have to upload videos in VERTICAL format to VIMEO and generate a link.

That's what you'll send to your potential customers.

Because if we send it to you as a file, the process will take longer and it is much more convenient through a link.

Still, if you prefer, they can also be sent as a file.

He thinks that people are very lazy and want, in general, something easy to consume.

The easier you make it for them, the more likely you are to end up watching the videos.

👉 Interact with them in a personal and close way, if they indicate their name in the profile, personalize the messages, it won't take you time and they will feel more at ease.

As you can see, with this process we are going to validate if there is interest in our infoproduct, product or service.

In addition, we will be very close to our ideal customer, so we can hear your questions, real problems, and with that valuable information we can improve our conversion funnel.

How you can replicate our strategy in your business and achieve daily sales

Honestly, what we have done can be done by anyone.

You only need 2 things:

  1. A product to sell
  2. A sales strategy

Our sales strategy, based on WhatsApp marketing, is the one I told you about in this article.

Our product is Generator Landing, but we really could have applied the strategy to anything.

Through the training pills that you will find on our platform, you can build a sales page from scratch without having a clue about programming.

Once you have created your sales page adapted to the product or service you offer, it will be time to send qualified traffic to your sales landing, this is achieved through paid ads using the Facebook Ads platform.

In Generator Landing you will also find the necessary step by step to launch an advertising campaign with Facebook Ads from scratch, without having knowledge of the platform.

Once you are getting contacts on your WhatsApp, it will be time to take the last step, to close sales through conversations with people who have previously contacted you and who are interested in the product or service you are offering.

generator landing banner
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Ilustración Entrenamiento Gratuito para Conseguir 1 Cliente al Día Usando Whatsapp con la Inteligencia Artificial