If you want to increase the sales of your business and selling with Avon online we are convinced that you have already been searching through several articles and that you are tired of always reading the same information.
Surely you have read similar articles such as:
- How to become an Avon representative.
- How to learn more about how the business works to become an Avon representative.
- If you have to pay to start selling these products.
- How to start training online to sell Avon products.
- How to get customers to buy our Avon products.
But no article teaches you a clear strategy or a step-by-step one that's easy to implement without having experience in advertising and/or sales.
This can be very frustrating, right?
Well, you're in luck because...
In this article we will give you a strategy that you don't know yet and that will allow you to achieve sales every week in a predictable way, in which you will learn to:
1 ️. How to create a system for attracting potential customers in bulk via WhatsApp and in three simple steps.
2 ️. Sell more Avon products without having to contact people who don't know you yet or use your own list of contacts, friends and/or family.
3 ️. You can even apply this system to Increase your team of partners and in this way earn compensation bonuses.
In addition to sharing this strategy on how to sell more...
We are going to give you some tips based on our experience for sell more Avon products than your competition.
Are you ready? Let's go with it.
A secret online strategy for selling with Avon
Avon is one of the best-known cosmetics companies in the world.
It also represents one of the most popular ways to start your own business through direct sales.
Avon can be a lucrative opportunity for people looking to make extra money.
The initial cost is very low and the process is quick and simple.
With this in mind, one thing is clear.
There's a lot of competition, and if you want to succeed selling Avon products and really make money, you need to do something different.
Implementing outdated prospecting strategies that everyone is already familiar with won't be enough.
Nor will it be enough to work hard with these same strategies because they will not allow you to increase your sales of Avon products either.
So, we are going to propose you a secret strategy that will allow you to dedicate only 10% of your time to creating the system and the remaining 90% to getting sales.
It is a strategy that few people know and that meets the following requirements:
You can put it up and running in 1 day.
You can do it on your own even if you're not a digital native.
It will allow you to offer something that your competition does not know and that your partners can then replicate.
It will make you sell more Avon products online and from the comfort of your home.
What is this strategy for selling with Avon online?
The strategy consists of create a sales page and make announcements to bring interested people to that same page, so that later those same people end up contacting you on WhatsApp.
Nowadays it is no longer useful to make any announcement on social networks, today they must be disruptive advertisements.
This must also be accompanied by an experience when it comes to offering your products.
The easiest thing would be that when your potential customers talk to you, you send them a catalog of Avon products.
The bad thing is that the competition is already doing this and this way it will be too difficult for you to stand out.
But if you give it a different and original touch, such as creating an experience.
You'll have a much better chance that they'll end up buying you.
Let's give you an example.
You could create different and original ads.
And let them know that during the next weekend you will be giving training on how to get more out of your beauty products and that at the end of the training they will have prizes.
Later, you can create a professional page in a matter of a few hours using ready-made templates.
For this business, we mean using a template that can convey to these people how, through training, they will be able to live a totally different experience.
Then, once they contact you on WhatsApp to confirm your place for training, At the end you will have a golden opportunity to sell your Avon products to them.
You could also approach it as a live online workshop on beauty businesses and explain the trends that exist right now.
At the end of the workshop you can offer the possibility that they can get discounts for Avon products if they join your team.
With a little imagination you can do incredible things with this strategy, of which, even your competition will not know how you did it to sell so much.
The important thing is that it doesn't sound like you're selling Avon products, but rather give it a different concept to selling, that is, another approach.
So that later it's a totally natural process for people to be the ones who want to buy from you for having a good time, and not going after them to sell to them.
Now we will explain the step by step and how this is possible.
And I repeat again, this is possible to apply it in a single day and have it up and running very quickly.
STEP #1 — Create your sales page with Generator Landing, which allows you to do it in a few hours even if you've never done it before.
This might be the hardest part, creating your page.
But luckily, you have the option to Generator Landing, which makes it so easy for you.
If you don't, it's because you don't want to, not because you don't know, because with Generator Landing anyone who has no experience can create a page in 1 day.
STEP #2 — Design the experience you are going to offer and how you want to sell the proposal so that people contact you on WhatsApp.
Take some time to think about what you're going to offer.
You could choose to sell Avon products directly on your site, and who knows, it might work.
But, in my opinion, you're more likely to make money by offering something different, rather than selling directly.
We'll tell you what a Generator Landing user does, for example.
He sells Tarot, but he doesn't sell anything directly, he offers a free 22-day challenge, so that more people can contact him.
And, at the end of that challenge, he sells his product.
Why would you do the same to sell with Avon?
Build a makeup challenge, something that helps your potential customers discover possibilities with different makeup, and at the end of that challenge you move on to the sales phase.
STEP #3 — Set up the ads thanks to the step-by-step explanatory videos within the Generator Landing platform.
Maybe you've never set up commercials before, or maybe you're already an expert.
It doesn't matter, in any case, with Generator Landing's step-by-step videos, you can do it in a few hours, we assure you.
And you will already have daily visitors, and potential customers who will contact you day by day through WhatsApp.
You'll sell without leaving your home, and your Avon business will skyrocket.
This is one of the strengths of Generator Landing, is that you will never be alone again.
You'll get help from the Generator team, but also from other users like you.
Other tips for selling with Avon
We have already given you the promised strategy, and we hope we were not mistaken in that you would not know this secret strategy.
If so, let us know in the comments.
Did you already know this way to sell with Avon online?
Did you find it interesting?Now, let's go
to give you some extra tips to sell more Avon products and make more money.
Find other videos to sell with Avon on TikTok and Reels
When you are going to sell something as well-known as Avon, you have a lot of data at your fingertips.
There's no need to invent anything new, you can do some research.
One of the tips that will help you is this:
Look for viral Avon product videos on TikTok and Reels and look at the comments.
In the comments on those videos you will be able to see that people are asking for price or more information about the product and this way you will know that the product is trending and is in high demand among people.
Wouldn't it be better to focus your sales page, challenges or experiences on selling the most successful AVON products?
Reviews of selling with Avon
Look for other opinions from people who do the same to sell with AVON, from customer reviews and from distributors.
Learn from their experience, and use it to better send your sales message.
For example, imagine that you read an opinion like this: “I love AVON products, especially because they're super water resistant.”
You could use this message on your sales page, referring to this product benefit.
Is selling with Avon a good deal?
You should, without a doubt, ask yourself this.
Because if you are dedicated to Multilevel Marketing, do it with a product that suits you, that is in demand and generates a good commission margin so that it is profitable for you.
There are a lot of companies that work like Avon, on a multilevel basis, and the best thing is that you can work without schedules.
For example, Make money with Herbalife could be another option.
That said, Avon seems like a good deal, and if it's something you like, we encourage you to try the secret strategy we're telling you about in this article.
It's likely to work for you and you'll make a lot of money, and if not, you'll always have all the experience you've gained.
It's worth trying, isn't it?