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Innovative strategies on WhatsApp
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Innovative strategies on WhatsApp

Close more services with these 2 effective strategies.


WhatsApp is a super powerful tool that will make you Close a lot of customers and make a lot of money if you use it cleverly.

In this article, we're going to explore innovative WhatsApp strategies that can help you a lot to sell your services.

If you also want to know how to attract those customers to WhatsApp, click here.

Selling backwards: Sales Strategy on WhatsApp

This one is very powerful and really works out in most cases, according to Isra Bravo, a highly sought-after copywriter in Spain.

It consists of asking the potential customer (once you have had conversations, they have been presented with an offer with a few days before it has been decided and they have not made the purchase after the deadline) to tell you that No.

The message would look something like this:

Hello! Please, if you are so kind and confirm that you are not interested, I thank you, in order to make way for other projects.

Thank you.

And I'll explain myself.

By asking to be rejected, you are going to save time.

Pursuing customers and also not getting results, is exhausting.

In addition, it is a message that shocks.

Few will remain indifferent.

Quite a few will accept, some will ignore you and many will give you explanations, but they will be left wanting to work with you.

Regardless of the answers, there will be a feeling of:

🟢 Authority

🟢 A lot of work (proof that you do things right)

🟢 Reputation

🟢 Shortage

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Relaxed Selling: Sales Strategy on WhatsApp

This strategy seeks to relax the customer, to let their guard down.

That's how you sell more.

Because if for some reason the client has the perception that he is inferior to you, he does not relax.

And as you understand, it's more complicated to sell something to a person who is in that state.

For this purpose, the ideal is humanize and admit mistakes, to imply that you are not superior to anyone and for what empathize.

The perfect occasion is once a few messages have already been exchanged on WhatsApp.

Take advantage of it when you explain your service and customize it according to their situation.

That's when you should count some failure or mistake with some sense of humor and how you did it to solve it (with your service).

Use it and you will reinforce your authority, transmitting security, trust and leadership.

👉 If you want to apply these strategies and see the results for yourself, Generator Landing It makes it easy for you: create your Landing Pages easily with AI and sell for WhatsApp.

The platform includes training (Facebook Ads Course, WhatsApp Course, Automation Courses, etc.)

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