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How much does it cost to maintain a website? ▷ Web Maintenance and Other Expenses
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How much does it cost to maintain a website? ▷ Web Maintenance and Other Expenses

Do you want to know how much it costs to maintain a website?

In this article, we will give you the answer.

And, in addition, We are NOT a web maintenance company, so our intention is not to push you to end up hiring a maintenance service.

To write this article, we have read many others that talk about how much it costs to maintain a website per month, and many are written by companies that are dedicated to this purpose.

And most of them set out a long list of the tasks that go into that maintenance.

But let's be honest, most of them are automatic things, and you could do them perfectly.

That's why we also want to go into detail in this article, to tell you our opinion on the subject.

We will give it to you in a very brief version, so you can get rid of doubts quickly, and we will also tell you some more details that seem fundamental to us:

  • What factors influence the price of maintaining a website
  • When a web maintenance service compensates you and when it doesn't
  • An option that could be better than creating a complex website and that will be cheaper for you

Oh, by the way, it's important to differentiate between how much it costs to maintain a website and How much does it cost to create a website, since it's not the same thing.

cuanto cuesta mantener una pagina web

In short, how much does it cost to maintain a website?

There are many factors that affect the price, yes.

For example, it won't be the same if you want to know the price of maintaining a website in Spain or elsewhere.

But, in general terms, there are fixed expenses that you will almost always have if you want an operational website, and in our opinion the monthly price will be between 25€ and 100€.

Yes, for 25€ per month you could have a fully functioning website.

At least a small website.

Those expenses would include hosting and the domain, which is the basic minimum to have your website.

However, there are many other factors that may appear, and that is why it is important to take them into account, since these will cause the price to vary a lot.

Main costs of maintaining a website


The domain is the name of your website.

For example, you are now on Generator Landing, our website.

That's our name, and to use it we had to pay for the domain.

The cost of the domain is around 20€ per year.


Hosting is where the website, the servers, are hosted.

There are many types and it depends on the size of your website, but it could cost around 240€ per year.

With hosting and domain, they would add up to about 25€ per month, and that's why we've given you that amount to answer the question of how much it costs to maintain a website.

Email marketing

If you collect email subscribers on your website, which is common, you'll have to pay for a tool to send emails.

There are some cheap and even free ones, such as Mailchimp, and there are others that can cost hundreds of euros per month.

Payment plugins

Normally web pages are created with Wordpress, and this CMS works with plugins. Some are free and others are not.

If you want to do a lot of things, you'll have to end up paying for paid plugins.

I, for example, have some of them on one of my websites, and I pay about 200 euros a year.

Web support and maintenance

This is where web maintenance companies usually come into play.

Basically, they usually offer to keep your website updated, to make backups, technical assistance in case of failures, to update content, etc.

It's a service offered to people who don't know anything about managing their website, because most of the tasks offered are quite simple.

And it doesn't have a low price.

It can cost between 75 and 200€ per month perfectly.

SEO, design and other technical aspects

Sometimes having a website isn't enough.

The normal thing is to want visitors on your website, and that is achieved with things like SEO, design, etc.

When we were researching to do this article, we saw some agencies that mentioned including all of this in their web maintenance service, and this is usually not true.

They may do some basic things, but we assure you that with that you will not receive visitors.

An SEO specialist who takes you around the web can easily cost you between €500 and €1,000 per month.

And the same with a designer.

Of course, they can also be hired on an hourly basis, but they won't be cheap.

Does it make sense to hire a web maintenance service?

mantenimiento web precio

Okay, the minimum price to pay for having a website is about 25€ per month, but of course, as we have seen, there are many other factors that affect.

To end up paying just that, you'll have to know how to use Wordpress, the CMS (Tool) that is almost always used to create a website.

There you install and update plugins, there you change everything you want on the web, etc.

If you don't know how to use Wordpress or want to learn, you may be almost forced to hire a maintenance service for your website.

And that will mean that, instead of paying 25€ per month to have a website, your monthly maintenance cost amounts to several hundred euros.

In our opinion, that will only make sense if your website provides you with good benefits.

Is it possible to have a cheap website without taking care of the maintenance?

Yes, you can.

That's where tools and web page builders come in, like ours, Generator Landing.

With our tool, you pay a very low monthly fee, much lower than what you would otherwise pay, and you can create your website in minutes.

You don't have to worry about hosting or domain, and you don't have to worry about updates and maintenance.

We do everything for you in our tool, and we also help you make the most of your website so that you can earn money with it.

In our specific case, we focus our websites on selling and acquiring customers through WhatsApp, something that is giving spectacular results to our clients.

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